Top 3 Country To Migrate

  1. USA

5 Reasons To Choose USA

1. Presence of World’s top rated companies
2. International opportunities with Fortune500 companies
3. Diverse society – America is home to people of every country. The well
mixed society will allow you to integrate into American society.
4. Support for international candidates
5. Cutting-Edge Technology


5 Reasons To Choose Canada to Migrate

1.Rated as one of the best places to live: Since 1994,every year the United Nations has rated Canada as one of the best countries in the world to live in .
2.Prosperity! The economy is BOOMING! A modern, growing, industrial nation, Canada offers a good deal of potential and opportunity. With the highest standard of living, this country is one of the richest and it keeps getting better.
3.The Good Life Canadians live the highest qualities of life in the world. The neat and clean environment makes for a neat living.
4.Growing job Market Canada’s unemployment rate is 6.8% – at its lowest since 1976. Many new jobs are created each year, and an average Canadian earns an annual income of approximately $40,000.
5.Low Tax and inflation Consistently lowering taxes and a 2.3% inflation rate makes for a strong economy, and Canadians are taking more and more home each year.


5 Reasons to Choose Australia to Migrate

1. Australia is known for the standard of living it offers. An English-speaking nation, it has a population of about 12.5 million, and supported by High quality education is quite attractive to those looking at Australia as an education destination.
2. The cost of pursuing education and living in Australia is 40 to 60 percent less than that of USA/UK, varying with the preferred location.
3. It is the next "hot" destination after USA considering the numbers,quality and living conditions. Over thousand Indian students and students from all over the world go to Australia to study every year.
4. Universities in Australia offer a wide variety of courses to meet each and every student's requirements. The curriculum and infrastructure are latest while the faculty is up-to-date and result oriented.
5. One of the special advantages for Indian students is the similarity between the Indian and Australian education systems. Both are broadly based on the British education system.


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