Why Splunk Wins over others?

Below are some of the key advantages of using splunk which will help you in understanding key features of splunk and why should you go for it :)

Splunk Facts : -

  • Identify and resolve issues upto 70% faster
  • Reduces costly escalations by upto 90%
  • SPlunk converts complex logs to visual graphs and reports resulting simplified analysis,reporting and troubleshooting
  • No separate database requirements like oracle or SQL as splunk stores all data in its index
  • supports any format and any amount of data -enables centralized log management

  • Simple to implement and scale 
  • Continually index all of your IT data in real time. 
  • Automatically discover useful information embedded in your data, so you don't have to identify it yourself. 
  • Search your physical and virtual IT infrastructure for literally anything of interest and get results in seconds. 
  • Save searches and tag useful information, to make your system smarter. 
  • Set up alerts to automate the monitoring of your system for specific recurring events. 
  • Generate analytical reports with interactive charts, graphs, and tables and share them with others. 
  • Share saved searches and reports with fellow Splunk users, and distribute their results to team members and project stakeholders via email. 
  • Proactively review your IT systems to head off server downtimes and security incidents before they arise. 
  • Design specialized, information-rich views and dashboards that fit the 
  • wide-ranging needs of your enterprise. 
  • Trusted by wide customers over the globe

  • Not limited to IT-can be used where big data is involved -only limitation is your mind :)


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